Poor Listening Habits Among Teachers

Teachers connected to Warri Schools understand the importance of developing a good listening habit. It is heart breaking to see teachers who take this critical skill for granted. The question is; how do you relate to someone you do not listen to? Warri Schools always emphasis on the importance of understanding a child’s facial expressions, body language and what a child is trying to communicate rather than what the child just said. Most children find it difficult to say what exactly they have in their mind. That is why you need this critical listening skill to decode. As workers go up the corporate ladder, the listening time increases so that top managers spend as much as 65 percent of their day listening (Keefe, 1971). This also goes to teachers who are determined to raise nation builders. However, most people have had no training in this critical skill, poor listening habits cost hundreds of millions of dollars each year in productivity lost through misunderstandings and mistakes.
It is not enough to pang a child for not doing his assignment, you have to listen, and correct the child by the use of right words. However, a repetition of that which is wrong demands a higher level of discipline. Again, this depends on the age of the child. This is the secret that makes the difference in most schools.


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